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Europa-List: Europa builders Birthday

Subject: Europa-List: Europa builders Birthday
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 14:32:30

Now I know there are quite a few gentlemanly characters around, but there
is a cranky old Queenslander, who by the way doesn't follow football or
cricket so don't try and talk to him about anything else other than
Europas, who turns the big 60 on 8/4/04. So, if you know Kingsley Hirst
wish him a happy birthday then will you. Oh, he knows how to breed
aviators, all the sons fly. He is rather anal about gramar and speling, let
alone if you dare spell his sirname incorectly, but "Hirst" will get the
desired effect. Remember, 8/4/04 !
E-mail him on
(cranky old coot, that is)

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