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RE: Europa-List: eyeball vents

Subject: RE: Europa-List: eyeball vents
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 18:09:44


I was kidding about the ten dollars, but 50+ is better than 172. I have no firm
ideas about the cabin heat, but made notes about what other builders have done.
I want to keep it very simple and utilize fresh impact air from as close as
possible from the eyeball vent and I will worry about the P1 side only for the
time being. I have a remote thermometer probe which I will keep moving around
the engine. My 912S has that baffle which directs fresh air to the top of the
cylinders. I am curious to find out what the temperatures are underneath that.
Then there is always the back of the radiators.


From: "Troy Maynor" <WINGNUT54@CHARTER.NET>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: eyeball vents 
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 08:16:44 -0500 

-- Europa-List message posted by: "Troy Maynor" <WINGNUT54@CHARTER.NET>

Hi Karl, 
I would be interested in more information on aquiring one of these for ten 
dollars.(and you heater ideas?) 
Troy Maynor 
N120EU Monowheel Classic 
Left to finish: 
Paint,interior,engine install, wiring. 

  -----Original Message----- 
  []On Behalf Of KARL HEINDL 
  Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:31 PM 
  Subject: RE: Europa-List: eyeball vents 

  -- Europa-List message posted by: "KARL HEINDL" <KHEINDL@MSN.COM>

  I just installed the cheaper one in the top of the left footwell 
  as the first building block in my cabin heat supply. It is black 
  anodized aluminum and it seems to be fine. It provides full 
  control from open to close and swivels. I don't understand why 
  any of these things cost more than 10 dollars. 


  From: Paul Stewart <EUROPA@PSTEWART.F2S.COM>
  Subject: Europa-List: eyeball vents 
  Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 19:25:20 +0000 

  -- Europa-List message posted by: Paul Stewart <EUROPA@PSTEWART.F2S.COM>

  Anyone know what the difference is between the eyeball vents sold by 
  aircraft spruce? They have two aliminium swivel vents one at $55.50 (pn 
  05-00779) and the other at $172.95! (pn 13-03600). Unfortunately there 
  is only a picture ofthe cheaper one on their web site. 


  Paul StewartG-GIDY 

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