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RE: Europa-List: Sticky pre-skinned surfaces

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Sticky pre-skinned surfaces
From: Tony S. Krzyzewski <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 21:10:39

>> Here at SP Systems we use only disposable nitrile gloves when
handling epoxies

... and just what does SP Systems know about handling resins huh?

Sorry, just couldn't resist that one.

David, thanks. It's great to have a definitive answer on latex gloves
and to know that the 500+ latex gloves I've used so far do provide
protection from Ampreg. I started off using rubber gloves but decided
that life was too short to  spend time cleaning them and switched to
latex gloves which just get thrown out at the end.

For really big layups I always wore two pairs as I inevitably ended up
tearing through a layer at an inopportune moment and it's nice having a


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