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RE: Europa-List: Required tools

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Required tools
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 14:07:17

I recall drilling and tapping for the 12 mm pins, but I can neither recall
making any 5 mm threaded holes nor can I find any reference to that size in
my searchable Adobe Acrobat format copy of the Builders Manual (conveniently
and generously provided to me by another builder).

The M12 tap is used to tap the holes in the wing root rib for the wing
lift/drag pins W24 and W25, and the flap drive pin FL22.

Disregard the manual's comments in the paragraph headed "Using Taps" about
taps being sold in sets of two or three.  One tap will do this job.  True,
there are four different kinds of taps (taper, plug, semi-bottoming,
bottoming, with an entrance of 7 to 10, 3 to 5, 2 to 2-1/2, and 1 to 2
thread chamfer, respectively) but only a single tap is required to make
these threaded holes.  For the wing and flap pins, where we can drill
entirely through the aluminum plates in the root ribs, the easier to use
taper chamfer is preferred.  Also, since we are not running a production
operation here, buy cheap carbon steel taps.

Best regards,

Rob Housman

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Simon Smith
Subject: Europa-List: Required tools

Hi all,

To save me searching through the entire manual, can someone tell me
where the 5mmx0.8mm and 12mmx1.75mm taps are required?

Ta muchas


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