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Re: radiator clearance

Subject: Re: radiator clearance
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 08:52:15


I think that all air should be forced through the radiators.
I bonded a strip of glassfibre about 2 inches in front of the rad to the bottom
cowling, angled toward the bottom of the rad. Then i riveted a strip of the
same rubberlike material to it that is also used to seal between duct and 

Karl Heindl

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard
Subject:  radiator clearance

I have recently installed my radiator in the ducting and have just completed
the fitting of the lower engine cowl.  I have a gap of around 1inch between
the lower edge of the rad & the cowl. Should I endeavour to block this off
to encourage as much airflow as possible through the rad or leave a gap so
that some cool air gets directly to the oil cooler.  If the answer is block
it off, what to use?

Happy new Christmas!!

Richard Iddon. G-RIXS

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