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Re: Viru Messages on this group

Subject: Re: Viru Messages on this group
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 23:25:08

> Ladies and Gentlemen.
> I believe that it was decided quite some time ago that we wouldn't post
> warning messages on the group otherwise the likes of the hoax message that
> been going around would proliferate.
> The group message system sends text only messages which means you are not
> going to receive a virus from the group message server.
> I am only putting this up because I have just spent the past few days
> organisations out who seem incapable of understanding the basics of
> protection. The same applies to home users...

Hi Tony and all,

Firstly, I agree that the list isn't the best place to anounce any virus
problems (even though I participated in the recent virus 'talks').  But...

> 1/ Put in a firewall and use it properly

The average computer user hasn't got a clue what a firewall is, let along
how to install it (unless it's phenolic or stainless steel).

> 2/ Install an anti virus system and update is a regularly as possible.

Good point.

> 3/ Don't spread anti virus messages until you have ascertained that it
> is a virus.

Or worm... which the current one is.  I have a basic rule I ask anyone to
check here ( before telling me about
some virus their frined has mentioned to them.

> Now, I am going back to spray painting my cowlings and I am not going to
> mention the word virus again today!

Good idea and lots more fun.  I just spent half the day setting up email
attachment filters to stop any one of my 950+ users destroying one of my
computers because thay haven't got a clue and repeatedly ignore my warnings
about attachments, I know what I would have rather been doing (not quite to
the spraying point, but I'm looking forward to geting my stern post in and
the process has been greatly aided by your web site - even though I've spen
>30 hours at it so far!).


Mark Jackson - +44 (0)7050 645590

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