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Re: Europa-List: Fuel tank inspection hole

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fuel tank inspection hole
From: Paul McAllister <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 17:08:14

Hi Alex,

I thought long and hard about a similar approach and ultimately decided not
to put a hole in the tank.  Andy at Europa advised against it because the
tank has no structural fibers like fiberglass so their is nothing to prevent
a crack from prorogating.

On the flip side, people who have done this tell me that the top is pretty
thick and unlikely to crack.

Paul (363)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander P. de C. Kaarsberg" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Fuel tank inspection hole

> Hi all,
> I am about to think about fitting a magnetic fuel level indicator,
> (well, two really, and a more correct term is dripless sticks, one in
> each side of the tank inboard of the headrests) and remember there has
> been a mention of an access panel being made up between the two headrests.
> What is the method, does one have to reinforce the area around the
> cutout and are there any recommended maximum dimensions?
> And how about the hole in the tank, which glue/sealant will stick to the
> new type of tank?
> Also, looking at the way the tank is installed, is there no danger of it
> fretting against the structure, springing a leak over the years? I know
> it is glassed in, but don`t believe that will hold it 100% in place and
> then its also said the tank unbonds from the glass....I was thinking of
> using something like blue-tack at strategic locations to reduce that
> possibility and maybe get the bonus of improved acoustics, but I`m not
> sure of the long term effect it might have on the plastic.... any
> Best regards to all,
> Alex, kit 529
> PS, I'm sending this to the new forum too, as it seems the old forum is
> not going to work. Have tried to post messages there several times but
> get them bounced back....

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