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Re: Gas Struts

Subject: Re: Gas Struts
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 22:53:39

>Are there other benefits to the gas strut?

I had the privilege of flying Trevors airplane a cou[pl[e of years ago. His 
door struts do work well, however I did find it a bit awkward opening the 
door from a sitting position.
Had to learn a new technique, open the door then partially raise it, 
finally shift grip to nearer the hinge and push the door fully open to 
latch the struts. Closing the door too was different, I had to get Trevor 
to reach across and unlatch my door strut, my shoulders/neck were too stiff 
to allow enough flex to reach behind.

It would be very difficult to get out of the airplane with the door not 
held open, and quite difficult to get in.

The gas strut does make life simpler, it's a pity it has this downside of 
pushing the back corner up.


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