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Re: Fuel tank installation

Subject: Re: Fuel tank installation
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:34:31
In the early days it used to be the reccommended procedure to fill the tank with
a fuel mix (avgas/unleaded and auto leaded fuel) to swell the tank prior to
installation, however I believe that Europa have since changed the tank material
and this may no longer be necessary.

It would be advisable that you contact Europa in the UK and ask them the 
(please note all builder queries are now handled from their UK base).

If you e-mail or they will
let you have the answer.

When posting to this forum it is always worth sending a CC to the factory if you
have a builder query or are unsure on how to proceed. It is much easier (and
less expensive) to correct a mistake before you make it than it is afterwards.

As far as filling the tank to weight it down I have never come accross this 
nor believe it would be necessary.

Carl Pattinson
  ----- Original Message -----
  Subject: Fuel tank installation

  I have a quick question:

  I remember reading about the tank swelling and needing to be filled for weeks
before installation. Does that need to be done? Does it need to be filled with
a liquid - i.e. water - for the weight on it for that time? Does it need to
be filled with fuel? I am getting closer to that part of the builder's manual.

  Dave Anderson
  Gardnerville, NV
  A227 - monowheel motorglider

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