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Re: Problem with aileron flange

Subject: Re: Problem with aileron flange
From: Dave DeFord <>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 08:30:44
> I have just come to fitting the hinges to my second aileron and have
> discovered that I have not made the flange deep enough!  It is about 3mm
> out, which looks suspiciously like I forgot to take the cut-outs for the
> hinges into account when I was checking the depth during the lay-up.  Is
> there any way I can avoid sanding off the existing glass, cutting the foam
> back a bit and laying in some new glass?  All ideas greatfully received.


If the flange is too narrow to fix the problem by just filing off a bit of
the hinge leaf (as suggested by Steve Hagar), you can grind away the glass
down in the bottom of the closeout "vee", to make a slot that will clear the
hinge.  (A small carbide router bit in a Dremel tool is the fastest way I've
found to remove fiberglass.)  Make the slot a little larger than the hinge,
to allow adding a bit of flox over the exposed foam, and finish it off with
two plies of bid.

Dave DeFord

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