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Re: Insurance

Subject: Re: Insurance
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 13:02:35
I'm an insurance agent in Los Angeles and can confirm the postings.  Thought I'd
quote direct from one of my carrier's forms- Safeco Insurance Company's 
policy:  "We do not cover....5.  aircraft, including disassembled parts
of aircraft.  This exclusion does not apply to model aircraft.  Any aircraft
designed for carrying persons or cargo is not a model aircraft."

You might be able to make a case that the parts are not those of a disassembled
aircraft (since the aircraft has never been assembled) but I believe you'd have
an uphill battle on your hands....I'll leave that one to you lawyers out there.

Looking forward to receiving my paid for kit which should arrive in late 
Paul Boulet, Malibu, California

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