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Re: Treating aluminium bits

Subject: Re: Treating aluminium bits
From: Chris and Susan Beck <>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 12:48:39
Hi, Rick.  I Alodine all my aluminum bits before bonding, after first using the
Alumiprep wash.  I've also taken to using it for my aluminum chassis work for my
tube audio amps I build before painting.  It really makes the paint finish stick
like mad.

I get my Alodine from Wicks Aircraft or Aircraft Spruce, both USA suppliers. I'm
sure there are UK vendors, however.

Oh yeah, roughen the alu bits with the coarse side of a Permagrit tool before
alodining.  You DO have a selection of Permagrit tools, don't you?  If not, do
yourself a huge favor and get some.  I couldn't live without mine.  Expensive,
yes, but definitely a huge labor and patience saver.

Chris Beck

Rick Sivier wrote:

> Folks,
> I need a bit of advice.  I am preparing to fix the hinges on my trim tabs
> and I just reread the recent thread about alodyning/anodising any aluminium
> parts.  Should I be doing something with my hinges before I bond them in?  I
> spoke to my inspector and he did not think it was necessary for the hinges,
> but I would be grateful for your opinions.
> As a follow-up question - I understand that you can do alodyning yourself,
> but what do I need to get to do it and where can I get the stuff from?  (I'm
> in the UK, by the way).
> Thanks
> Rick Sivier

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