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Re: Gear Up Landings

Subject: Re: Gear Up Landings
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 12:02:59

In a message dated 01/12/2000 23:12:49 GMT Standard Time, writes:

<< On the question of "Gear Up Landings" I was given to understand that 
 (Test Pilot ! "no names, no pack drill") who tested the first 2200 Jabiru in
 a  Mk1 Europa managed to do just that! >>

I was present (luckily on the ground) when a Test Pilot did the same to a 912 
Classic ( again "nn,npd").

The suggestion was aired that there was "rectraction after landing" but it is 
worth noting that the approach was said to have been demonstrating 
side-slipping.  This could certainly mask the abnormally high speed which 
would otherwise have been present.

The "landing" was on grass,  the aircraft skidded in a straight line for 80 
yds and the resulting damage  was confined to the tunnel and undercarriage 
frame, and of course the prop.

It is easy to fit a micro-switch against the u/c lever to operate when it 
moves sideways in to the down-slot to provide a warning (I prefer audible 
into the headset). Indeed the RMI Microencoder provides an output which both 
tests the airspeed and does not react during lowspeed climbout.

Graham G-EMIN

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