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Re: Europa Skunk Works Project?!

Subject: Re: Europa Skunk Works Project?!
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 20:06:25

>Hey Steve!! Great idea!!.

I know the guys down under are well known for answering questions 
before they're asked, but setting your computer clock to three days 
ago is just not cricket! (And in that connection I idly wonder how 
many postings will bear correct timestamps after 1st Jan.)

I'd love to see what Francis Donaldson would say if this Europa Twin 
proposal landed on his desk for approval! Are we gonna keep all 4 
sticks oeprational?



PFA 16532   EAA 168386   Young Eagles Flight Leader 017623
Europa builder #435 G-ROWI

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