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RE: Where's the best place to buy VHF and TX antenna

Subject: RE: Where's the best place to buy VHF and TX antenna
From: David Glauser <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 13:08:26
I bought one of Bob's nav antennas, 2 of the com antennas, and his 
transponder antenna. All are used by most local homebuilders with 
excellent results. They don't look like any other antennas I've 
seen for sale. The performance is great, though. The VOR antenna
is placed inside the XS wing, outside of the outermost rib. (It
was necessary to cut a small slit in the rib to accommodate the
antenna.) I will place 1 com antenna inside the vertical fin and
the other in the fuselage.


-----Original Message-----
Subject: Where's the best place to buy VHF and TX antennas

"Where's the best place to buy VHF and TX antennas from?  Don't
particularly fancy making up my own."

Geraint, you might like to try Bob Archer's products.  I know of several
Europas that are using his antennas.  They are priced around $60 USD for
each of the Com and TX.  He is quite familiar with our plane and can give
you some recommended installation tips.

Bob Archer Antennas
21818 Ocean Ave
Torrance, CA 90503
tel 310-316-8796

Erich Trombley
Tucson, AZ

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