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Re: Bungee tension

Subject: Re: Bungee tension
From: Roger Mills <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 10:49:38

I would consider setting up the tension with the wings on - to give the most 
conditions for adjustment. You need to set up the tension such that the
gear moves smoothly and lightly up and down. Too slack and you'll have 
raising the gear. Err slightly on the tight side because the bungees do
stretch and I would try to plan to check tension as late as you possibly can -
just before putting on your firewall.
Roger Mills
  -----Original Message-----
  From: James Thursby <>
  Date: 15 August 1999 14:52

  Hi folks,
   I am setting up my main gear and have a question. How tight do I need to set
the bungee with the gear and wheel/brake assembly attached, flap controls on,
but no wings?  Is there any advice from those of you having already covered 
Thanks in advance.
                          Jim Thursby

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