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Re: Fuel Capacity

Subject: Re: Fuel Capacity
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 16:22:02
I have done a lot of calibration of the original larger tank which will not 
be of much use to more recent builders.  There is one thing worth noting 
though,  reserve is variable !

Firstly different answers can be measured according to the deck angle, e.g. 
on/off trailer, new or old tailwheel.  More seriously you will find that 
because the reserve communicates with the main across the tunnel,  what stays 
in the reserve side  depends on your flight history, e.g manoevres, 
turbulence  -  On  occasions when I have run the main side down below nominal 
reserve level, I have found that there is much less than expected in the 
reserve side, once as low as 6 litres !  In a worst case situation they could 
go down equally, which would give you a nasty fright unless you have two 
gauges.  If you only have one then it must be in the reserve side, though it 
is not nice not knowing when the main will finish.

Graham C  G-EMIN

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