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RE: Aileron Layups & hinges

Subject: RE: Aileron Layups & hinges
From: David Glauser <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:44:32

On the advice of Kim Prout, based upon his experiences with wear on his
Europa, I did the following:
1) extended the inner hinge reinforcement to 16 inches instead of 8, so I
can install a small third hinge just outboard of the mass balance weight.
2) applied one extra ply to the entire flange/leading edge.

David Glauser

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Aileron Layups & hinges

I have just completed the top side of my aileron, and I hope to do the
other side tomorrow.  I seem to recall some discussions about cracking in
the hinge area and hinge wear.  Could anyone offer some suggestions of
things I should be considering ?

Thanks,  Paul McAllister (Builder 363)


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RE: Aileron Layups  hinges

On the advice of Kim Prout, based upon his experiences with wear on his Europa,
I did the following:

1) extended the inner hinge reinforcement to 16 inches instead of 8, so I can 
a small third hinge just outboard of the mass balance weight.

2) applied one extra ply to the entire flange/leading edge.

David Glauser

-----Original Message-----

From: Paul McAllister [<A HREF""; 

Subject: Aileron Layups  hinges

I have just completed the top side of my aileron, and I hope to do the

other side tomorrow. I seem to recall some discussions about cracking in

the hinge area and hinge wear. Could anyone offer some suggestions of

things I should be considering ?

Thanks, Paul McAllister (Builder 363)

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