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Re: navaid devices AP

Subject: Re: navaid devices AP
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 01:19:46
>Hi folks.
>I have a problem with my navaid devices AP. It works well 99pct of the
time but 
>when it takes a sharp right turn when I release the transmit button when in 
>tracking mode (Skymap II). 
>I also find that if I do not fly in the required direction in leveler mode
for a 
>while before switching to track mode it makes a sharp right turn too.

All normal. There is a AP defeat connection which will switch off the AP
while transmitting. Checl your connection info. 

It states in the manual that you must fly level for 30 secs in WL mode
before going to track.


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