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Re: Forced Air Respirators

Subject: Re: Forced Air Respirators
From: Steve Genotte <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 07:07:56
Here's a web site describing this ingenious device:

Steve Genotte

Thom Besch wrote:

> In a recent Experimentor (EAA) magazine a member from our local
> chapter here in Washington demonstrated a very effecive forced air
> system using a mask with the filters removed, a plastic drainage hose
> (about 1.5 inches, $12 US for 25 feet), and a squirrel cage from a
> bathroom fan.  He uses it often an says it works even with his beard
> (a standard mask would never seal, but this has enough overpressure).
> He hangs the motor on a board which he puts outside his window, thu8s
> he gets fresh air.  And yes, he recommends a filter over hte intake to
> keep out the bugs.

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