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Re: Pitch Trim System

Subject: Re: Pitch Trim System
From: J Ron Jones <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 22:00:24
Greetings Geraint.

I haven't made much progress over the Christmas period due to having the
whole b-----y family and their off-spring staying with us for the past 10
days or so !!!! Lots of fun, though, and countless hang-overs !

On the subject of tabs, do you not have pages 4-7 / 4-8  in the XS Mono
Manual. Issue 1, 30 Sept, 1997 ?
These tell you how to attach TP16S&P and make up a template to achieve this.
(In the reverse order, of course !)
I have the template which is now "surplus to requirements" if that helps. It
did the job OK and you are very welcome to it. Drop me a line if you would
like me to pop it in the post.

Ron Jones (XS359)

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