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Re: Fighting off the chill of Winter

Subject: Re: Fighting off the chill of Winter
From: Miles McCallum <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 09:57:56
>We used to use a paraffin burner with electric fan. I suspect a very similar
>beast. One thing to note is that there is a large amount of water given off
>when paraffin is burnt. Although  it warms you up it may also increase
>humidity. Maybe new burners are better than the old dog we had?

Paraffin burners do give off a lot of water vapour - which is why it's
better not to use them in a workshop...makes the hammers rust.

 I use a propane space heater, which will raise the temperature of a 1000 sq
ft workshop (10 ft high) from =A3$%*&@ cold to 25C in about 15 minutes. It's
useful even when it's relatively warm and humid (say 15C/ 90%) as warming
the workshop that extra 10C drops the humidity quite considerably.

 I have a 20 X 10 "room within a room" -outside walls(2) and ceiling
insulated with 1" of polystyrene foam and inside walls (which are removable)
made from 1" battens covered with polythene sheet (double skinned to  form
an airspace) as the laminating room. 4kW of electric heaters will keep it at
curing temp during a winter night.


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