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ACAD LT97 Software is sold. . .

Subject: ACAD LT97 Software is sold. . .
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 14:28:54
If you haven't had any direct contact with me on this
offer, you didn't win the race  . . . 

BTW, I will be out of town on a fire-fighting mission
to San Diego area for perhaps the next week. I'm going
to try to use my calling card to dial up my local
ISP here in Wichita to keep in touch but just in case
it doesn't work, I'll be out of pocket for awhile.

       Bob . . .
                      (o o)
       <   Go ahead, make my day . . . >
       <   show me where I'm wrong.    >

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  • ACAD LT97 Software is sold. . ., Robert L . Nuckolls III <=