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Re: Terra radios

Subject: Re: Terra radios
From: Jerry <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 08:07:49
Trouble with the GA headset standard is there IS NO STANDARD. I am planning
an ICA200 with integral intercom but with front end headset matching units.
Mic level and speaker impedance varies from band to band. Most intercoms
seem to work if you plug in two identical headsets. Its may not be enough
to use two headsets the same make.


> From: DaveBuzz <>
> Subject: Terra radios
> Date: 10 March 1998 21:49
> hello all,
>    a bit of advice for those who have one or are contemplating them.
> mine up in the panel at last, plugged it temporarily into the fuzz,
> with standard europa aerial, worked fine: heard and spoke to a couple of
> airfields from the garage! But would my 760D internal intercom work?
> After some further investigation (thanks Rolph) it would appear that
> 760d's internal intercom doesnt like certain brands. David Clarks are
one, and
> my Flightcom eclipse's are another. Seems to work ok with Peltors but
> know about other makes.
>    short answer is budget for an intercom too: I didnt, consequently am
> to get a bollocking if the wife sees next months credit card bill (wince
> chus, dave
> kit67

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