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Reduction in Mail Volume

Subject: Reduction in Mail Volume
From: Peter Thomas <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 09:59:49
>>This is the first communication relating to the Europa club which I have
received in several days, and this seems to be from you directly rather
than from Avnet. Is there some change I need to make to receive the mail
again? I am missing my daily fix. I can't believe that the Antipodean
connection has dried up completely.
Kenneth Whiteley<<

I think the changes to the mail system has without doubt affected the
number of messages that are getting through to the list. 

There has been a marked increase in the number of BOUNCED messages that I
have received due to non-member submissions. Fortunately most of these are
the junk mail messages that used to annoy us all so much. However, there
have been several genuine messages that have also been bounced primarily
due to the changes in the way that CompuServe handles e-mail addresses.

The sender of any bounced message would be notified that their message did
not get through as they were not a member of the list. It appears that
people are ignoring this error message and failing to re-subscribe AND
resending their original message. This is one reason for the dramatic
reduction in the number of messages sent to the list.

The other reason is of course the fact that people must use the REPLY TO
ALL option in their mailer. If they do not then their reply will ONLY go to
the original sender of the message and not to everyone on the list. If they
do not have this feature (e.g. WINCIM 2.6 etc) then they must explicitly
copy the list address when replying. 

Please remember that the changes were made to protect us from unwanted junk
e-mail and to minimise the potential of Mail Loops.  The downside appears
to be a big reduction in the number of messages. Hopefully this will
improve as people get used to the new way of using the list. This message
is an attempt to explain what I think has caused the reduction. 

On the other hand, perhaps everyone really has run out of things to talk
about. I now have over 5000 messages in my EuroChat database covering every
aspect of the Europa. Maybe it has simply all been said before ! Come on
everyone, prove me wrong !!

Best wishes


PS remember to use that reply to all button and if the list bounces any of
your submissions, please find out why and correct the problem. 

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