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RE: Aileron trim

Subject: RE: Aileron trim
From: David Glauser <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 17:03:55

Kim Prout used the MAC servo, but put it in the fuselage, driving the
controls. He said if he was doing it over he would place it in the
aileron as you described. At the time, he was afraid that it would weigh
too much, but he ended up placing enough lead in the aileron to easily
allow a servo installation. 

How does the Navaid wing leveler compare to the S-Tech System 20? I was
considering that.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:        Tony Krzyzewski []
> Sent:        Friday, January 23, 1998 05:36
> To:
> Subject:        Aileron trim
> > I was wondering what has been done in the area of wing levelling.  I
> had
> > planned on using a MAC servo in the aileron with a small tab which I
> have
> > discussed with  Europa US.  But I wanted to get the opinions/
> thoughts/
> > tried and true results/ of my fellow builders.
> Lee, Firstly - Welcome. Pity you won't get to build your wings :-)
> I know of one US builder who has fitted an aileron trim tab. He used
> the same 
> MAC aileron trim servo as supplied with the Lancair and built it into
> the 
> aileron to drive a small trim tab cut out on one of the wings. You
> will have 
> to ask MAC specially for the servo as it is one they normally don't
> list. 
> The builder in question did the modification after the ailerons were 
> complete.
> Quite a few Europa builders use the Navaid wing leveller to accomplish
> the 
> same - and get GPS coupled autopilot facilities thrown in.
> Good luck with the build.
> Tony
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Tony Krzyzewski
> Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
> Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
> Auckland           New Zealand
> Networkers visit
> Aviators visit
> and    
> ----------------------------------------------------


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Kim Prout used the MAC servo, but put it in the fuselage, driving the controls.
He said if he was doing it over he would place it in the aileron as you 
At the time, he was afraid that it would weigh too much, but he ended up
placing enough lead in the aileron to easily allow a servo installation. 

How does the Navaid wing leveler compare to the S-Tech System 20? I was 

-----Original Message-----

From: Tony Krzyzewski []

Subject: Aileron trim

 I was wondering what has been done in the area of wing levelling. I had

 planned on using a MAC servo in the aileron with a small tab which I have

 discussed with Europa US. But I wanted to get the opinions/ thoughts/

 tried and true results/ of my fellow builders.

Lee, Firstly - Welcome. Pity you won't get to build your wings :-)

I know of one US builder who has fitted an aileron trim tab. He used the same 

MAC aileron trim servo as supplied with the Lancair and built it into the 

aileron to drive a small trim tab cut out on one of the wings. You will have 

to ask MAC specially for the servo as it is one they normally don't list. 

The builder in question did the modification after the ailerons were 


Quite a few Europa builders use the Navaid wing leveller to accomplish the 

same - and get GPS coupled autopilot facilities thrown in.

Good luck with the build.



Tony Krzyzewski

Managing Director Ph 64 9 520 4631

Kaon Technologies Fx 64 9 520 3321

Auckland New Zealand

Networkers visit

Aviators visit



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