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Re: Europa website

Subject: Re: Europa website
From: Steve & Eileen Genotte <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 17:28:24 wrote:

> Bullshit, what about the XS
> What about the people that payed for a newsletter (factory) and are now
> waiting for the second letter this year.
> Danny RODIUS

  Mr. Rodius,

I am at a complete loss to see what possible reason you had to use profanity in
this forum, especially regarding such a simple and relatively inconsequential
matter.  But, to answer your points...

1)  What about the XS?  Do you have a question concerning it?   The news of the
XS, its price and other points of interest        have been relayed from Europa
to us on this site several times in the past 3 or 4 months. If you still have a
specific question, call them up!

2)  I am one of the people who has paid for a factory newsletter, and am also
waiting for the next one.  What about me/us?  Do you feel slighted by Europa?
Then call them up!

Steve Genotte

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