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Re: CO in cockpit.

Subject: Re: CO in cockpit.
From: Mark Talbot <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:18:22
>If you read Tony Renshaw's original mail message again, the problem was 
>directly related to a user modification to add vent holes into the rear 
>fuselage. Close these or don't fit them and there is no problem.
>It would seem that fitting vent holes through the rear bulkhead was the cause

>of the problem so it would be a good idea to allow some other form of 
>extraction venting will be required if you want more airflow. 

I have always had vent holes through the D panel into the rear fuzelage. I 
wonder if the CO2 contamination is sufficent to register on a detector> 
Perhaps I'd better get one!
Mark Talbot (Europa G-BWCV)

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