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Re: Pitch Push Rod/Aileron Torque Tube Binding

Subject: Re: Pitch Push Rod/Aileron Torque Tube Binding
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 1997 19:00:41
>>I ask on behalf of another Aussie builder if anyone has experienced binding
between the rivet heads of the pitch tube and the rivet bulbs of the Aileron<<

Certainly have. You have to be very careful to place the two torque tube support
brackets to get the push rod in the best position. Also the length of the push
rod needs to be right. If it's too long the stick gets angled and moves the push
rod sideways too much.
At some stage the size of the push rod was reduced and the problem went away.
We originally had a problem with the stick fouling the instrument panel so we
cut , bent and welded our sticks into a Z bend. With the base of the stick
nearer vertical it helped with the other problem.

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