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Re: Straight Edges on Fin Postcure

Subject: Re: Straight Edges on Fin Postcure
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 08:27:38
>Hi  Tony
>The "template" was temporary, slightly smaller than the "real" closeout ply
>(cos the fin tapers) but dead flush with the aftmost edge and running all the
>way down, so the back inch can't spring in (which my (3"x2") beam allowed by
>rotating). I warmed the fin with a heatgun to get the strain out which the
>template put in when restoring the thing to its correct position, but I
>believe if you cure with the template in place you won't get a narrowing in
>the first place.  The beam was clamped (with metal u-clamps ) to the fin side
>in 4 places, making small cutouts in the template to let one leg inside.

A belated thankyou for the above advice. I am now postcuring, or about to
and I've reopened the directory where all this pertinent information lies.
Could you please clarify if I can remove the fin closeout foam insert, the
25 mm piece attached before skinning, to insert the template/spacer? If I
was to insert a ply template how thick should it be? Would 8 mm ply be
enough and if so should I simply remove the last 8 mm of the trailing edge
block to accomodate it before postcuring? Once I've done this fin postcure
it will probably sit for about 6-12 months or more before I do its closeout
so I need to keep it stable, although I would have thought if kept properly,
and "post" postcured, it shouldn't need support even if the trailing edge
closeout suppport block was completely removed. Any advice on this whole
postcuring experience would be kindly appreciated. 
P.S. I've lost track where you are up to now. Are you actually flying?
Tony Renshaw
]Builder No.236
>Best wishes,
>Graham C.

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