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Re: Propeller Balancing

Subject: Re: Propeller Balancing
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 10:55:12
Regarding the question on balancing props.

1    It doesn't work well with a sprag clutch - too many variables

their pitch after it has been done

3    I can recommend the following but they are expensive, be warned

4    I agree with jerry, dynamic balancing is the better method

no lectures

"From: Noel Trigg <100676.1665@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Dynamic Propeller Balancing

Hello fellow aviators,
                        Noel Trigg Associates Limited

We provide a mobile dynamic propeller balancing service for your beautiful
aircraft.  With the help of the Rotortuner which I invented while I was with
Helitune (which I founded 19 years ago) we will balance your prop to perfection.
We use our split balance rings which fit under the prop retaining nuts on the
engine side of the gearbox output shaft to provide 12 balance holes to which we
attach appropriate bolts, washers and nuts.

We provide this service at Aero Developments at Kemble or at our base at Shobdon

The benefits of dynamic balancing are:

        Reduced cyclic stress on the engine and fuselage
        Reduced fatigue on the pilot and passenger
        Longer life for your radios and instruments
        Vibration free camera platform
        Extended engine time between defects
        Reduction in oil leaks and seal failures
        Reduced wear and tear on all flying controls, bearings and linkages

                24 Hrs & Fax: +44 (0) 1684 564164
                Mobile: 0410 402663
                   Shobdon +44 (0) 1568 708271"

>Alternativeley the installation can be balanced dynamically which is
>There is a travelling prop balancer chap.
>I think the charge though is L150.
>However it ensures the installation is balanced as good as it can be.
>I am not sure if he does it     -     spinner on.
>I'll try and dig out his number if someone does not beat me to it.

Bill W-Wynne  N52=B036  W004=B004 (N Wales. UK)  01654 710101/2/3(fax)

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