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Re: Trim systems.

Subject: Re: Trim systems.
From: Jim Thursby <>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 23:59:57
With all the talk of manual vs. electric trim systems put aside, I had
always planned some sort of roll trim for the Europa. Well at sun&fun I
looked at a lot of systems and the one that caught my attention was on the
Lancair IV. It's mounted right on the aileron and as I discovered, is also
made by Menzimer aircraft components. It's the S9 trim system. Mac doesn't
advertise it as it is more expensive than their others. I paid $135.00 US.
It also doesn't have a matching position indicator. But it is so compact
and light! It weighs 83.2 grams complete, and is 57mm square. It's top
plate doubles as it's mounting plate. I mounted it in the inboard edge of
the starboard aileron on the bottom. Instead of using a separate tab off of
the trailing edge, I cut a 155mm by 38mm tab out of the aileron to function
as the trim tab. So far it works great. (but untested in flight.) If anyone
would like more info let me know your address, and I will mail a
photograph. Yes, even to New Zealand.;-)

                                           Jim Thursby
                                       U.S. builder  AO52

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