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Re: Micro Encoders and Static system

Subject: Re: Micro Encoders and Static system
From: Peter S. Lert <>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 08:31:05
Dear John--

        Having been down there a few years ago to pick up a Marchetti 
(actually from out in the Wairarapa) and ferry it back to the States, I 
know what you mean about the wind!

        Re pitot-static fittings:  I've seen a nifty four-tube connector 
used by some glider types for quick removal of their instrument panels.  
Seems to me that Winter made it, so you might try local glider clubs or 
soaring magazines.  Failing that, what I use in my own glider is simple 
double-ended "barbed" fittings, and they seem to work fine.

Peter Lert, US-37

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