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Re: ALL/Amine Blush

Subject: Re: ALL/Amine Blush
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 09:38:10

> "Your question about the accuracy of mix with Ampreg 20 has raised a debate
> within our company. This is not the first time this qiestion has come to
> light, but it has never been as fully explored in the past.
> I am sorry to inform you that the current consensus is that the accuracy we
> have been recommending to people in the past is not sufficiently strict, and
> that it should be tightened to 1% of the total mix.

OK, Hands up all those people who have been building to a 1% accuracy on resin

I would strongly suggest that the balance design (which the majority of builders
can't get to within 1% accuracy due to friction on the bearing. Does this mean
that all of the Europa's being built 
with just a balance are going to have problems?

What about all of those builders who don't see this email (the majority)?

I note that SP's reply is a "concensus". Surely this is something that should 
scientifically tested and not left to concensus opinion.

Did you ask them what the effect would be if you didn't build to this accuracy
Have they tested what happens if you "only" build to 5% ???

Not that I am being critical it is just that I have  had an interesting weekend
being paraoid about resin. 

For some reason all of my test samples
started to go off very quickly with some evidence of exotherming whereas beofre
all of my samples have turned
out nicely. 

I checked my pump to ensure it was accurate, checked the temperatures and 
the humidity. The only difference
is that now that the weather has warmed up I am actually building in a _lower_
temperature (21-22c, 60% humidity) rather than heating up the room though I have
the resin pre warmed to 25c
in my resin cupboard. 

On the actual build (stabilator closeout) the resin is retaining its normal work
period so this early exotherm
in my ice cube tray is a bit puzzling.

Date: 10/29/96
Time: 08:38:11 New Zealand Summer Time (UTC +13)

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