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Re: >>I believe that the minimun legal requirement for

Subject: Re: >>I believe that the minimun legal requirement for
From: Susan Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 20:19:49

>>>I believe that the minimun legal requirement for flight instruments is an
>Altimeter, and compass. Does anyone know if these have to be 3 separate
>Can't answer that question, however, FWIW Since the most valuable instrument is
>an angle of attack meter, I would have thought what you suggest would be
OK. Big
>advantage of the RMI device is that it gives you density altitude, and that can
>be important, if only to remind you not to expect a 5 second lift off on a hot
>day in the Alps. Or the Rockies. Trouble with the ASI as a flight
instrument, it
>can only tell you that you stalled 5 or 10 seconds ago, not that you are about
>to. I suspect it's possible to hook up an ASI to read AoA by connecting the
>pitot line to static and the static to a tapping on the leading edge of the
>wing. Sorry if I've bored you all before with this.

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