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Re: Sensitisation

Subject: Re: Sensitisation
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 15:13:18
Dear Gemini

In a message dated 01/08/96  08:34:27, you write:

>For Stage 2, with continuous exposure to the highly volatile thinners and 
>hardeners, a full extraction helmet would seem to be required. Such are 
>expensive (#300) at least for one-off use. I constructed one from a 
>plastic bin (got funny looks when trying them on in the stores!)
>using a vacuum cleaner for extraction

Don't understand the above, why extraction?  if you would like to use a mask
would it not be better to blow clean air into your helmet which could vent
freely into the  workspace around you. A low pressure centifugal blower  of
almost any old sort would do tho for preference I would steer clear of the
vacuum cleaner type that pulls its air thru the motor and presumably gets a
good helping of ozone from the sparking com.
I use diving air and a firemans breathing helmet but thats a bit over the top
really its just that I still have my old 4000psi diving compressor kicking
around from way back when. Ron S No33.

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