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Re: that factory message

Subject: Re: that factory message
From: Denys Gover <>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 19:31:53
Kerry Lamb wrote:
> >
> >Absolutely right. They have organised themselves a lagal protection racket.
> >Never vote a lawyer into government. If you want the example look at the US.
> >Graham
> >
> True, but even if you don't vote them in, the "Trial Lawyers Association"
> simply buys the legislation they want!  Over there you might call it graft,
> here we call it political contributions and "soft money".
> Kerry

I would like to be able to communicate with the factory without having to 
deal with snail mail or FAX. Fax is good but my fax machine is the PC 
which I do not leave switched on.

Regards Denys Gover
Canberra Australia.
(not yet a builder. NO PLANE NO GAIN)

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