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Variations on the fishing line theme.

Subject: Variations on the fishing line theme.
From: Graham Clarke <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 21:53:46
Parallel lines stretched over the surface have the disadvantage that 
stripes are left behind which need filling (at the thickish consistency 
needed for lightweight run-free coatings) and also extracting the line 
can spoil the surface if done carelessly. 

An alternative is to tie the lines round the scraper at each end, and 
lower it onto the wetted surface. One still gets stripes but they have 
the absolute earliest chance of filling-in behind as you move. (High 
hopes that they would disappear completely were not fulfilled.) Apart 
---From not having to extract the lines it is also simple to go back and 
repeat a small area, without involving laying in lines again, just 
touching  up the new short stripes it leaves. (Touching up what is left 
of the stripes seems best done with a small piece of radiused card drawn 
nearly flat along the stripe). 

There are two further permutations of this scheme involving one fishing 
line on the scraper and either a downstream or upstream line on the 
surface but these do not seem to have any advantages.

gemin no.83

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