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External link down.

Subject: External link down.
From: Monu Ogbe <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 08:07:38
Dear Friends,

On Monday night at approximately 10pm, we noticed that AVnet traffic was not
getting out to the outside world.  All diagnostics our end checked out as
did those at PSI's end.  Thus it was safe to blame the BT in the middle.  BT
concurred and accepted the blame claiming to be aware of the problem anyway.  

BT later reported that the fault had been cleared up, however while PSI and
ourselves continued to up-turn every stone, the link would not come back up.
It is often said that "it never rains but it pours!".  By process of
elimination we have decided to replace our router... Could it really be that
after 17 months of functioning flawlessly this piece of equipment really
packed up to coincide perfectly with BT's failure?  Who can tell.

As you will know, the AVnet services and the weather have remained available
throughout but, of course, external mail will not have got out.  Any queued
mail will be sent as soon as the link is back on line.

Many thanks for your patience and support.



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