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Re: Tunnel Bulkhead

Subject: Re: Tunnel Bulkhead
From: Graham Clarke <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 19:45:25
Right Allan ! - the manual glibly says this might be made removable. 
While I haven't put tried pump and filter on it yet, it seems that as 
these are festooned with feedpipes plus electrical wiring this is not an 
easy option either. The tunnel which looked empty when it had only the 
wheel in it, is filling up pretty quickly with all sorts of gadgets 
competing for space. e.g. further forward is the throttle gate, no doubt 
soon to be enlarged with a vp prop. quadrant. Also, judging from Graham 
1's experience, it looks as if the disc brake caliper will need to be 
rotated  towards the top 120 or 240 deg. to avoid puncturing the tyre, 
with more potential conflict with the rudder cables. This will spoil my 
solution to the right rudder cable being hooked by the caliper - which 
was to raise the pulley an inch, so the caliper never reached the cable. 
An enclosed cable is looking inevitable is it not ? 

Graham 2 No.83

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