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perfect quick release alignment

Subject: perfect quick release alignment
From: Allan Hall <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 16:01:47
Graham Clarke said
 <<Life can be made much easier by making up dummy wing spar root sections. >>

They can also double as fuselage supports.................
I made dummy root templates from 35mm thick ply, protruding  24 ins from
fuselage each side, located them with wing pins then stood a tressle under each
to provide a very stable support for the fuselage. They have been invaluable.

Wish I'd known of Graham's tip when fitting quick connect brackets, as our
starbd side bellcrank bolt centres were not lined up when we re-fitted wings
after bonding on fuselage top moulding. It took an extra 2 days work to sort it
out. Be warned!!

Allan J Hall #177 (Leaving Ciberspace, destination Doncaster :-)

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