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Re: It isn't getting through

Subject: Re: It isn't getting through
From: Monu Ogbe <>
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 1995 15:10:56
Hi Dale,

>Just a test to see if THIS mailer will get a message through.  I sent
>a lengthy message raising the questions of basic manuals for beginning
>construction and it still hasn't appeared.  Just wondering if it a)was
>sent my my mailer b) was censored c)I just didn't get it.

Just to say that this message certainly did get through.  If you would
like me to try and track down the missing one(s), please give me a clue
as to when you sent them, and from what e-mail address.


-- Monu Ogbe ------------------------------------ --
      -+-      |
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     o/ \o     | +44 (0)1727 868468
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