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Lung Protection etc

Subject: Lung Protection etc
From: Peter Thomas <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 14:44:46
Hello everyone...

Before starting my first lay-up I contacted SP systems (the makers of the Ampreg
20 Resin used in Europa Construction). They publish detailed Data sheets (one
for resin and hardener) in addition to the ones supplied with the actual epoxy.

SP Systems Contact Numbers: Ask for the Safety Data Sheets on SP Ampreg 20
Resin, Standard Hardener and Slow Hardener.

Tel: UK 01983 298451 
Fax: UK 01983 298453

Structural Polymer Systems Limited
Love Lane
Isle of Wight
PO31 7EU

Every thing you can imagine you could ever want to know (let alone understand)
about the epoxy is on these sheets ! After reading the details I contacted 3M.
read the details of the hazard to a senior salesman. He recommended their vapour
and particle masks as a suitable protection Model 4152. 

These are disposable general purpose masks that go for about L11 a time.
Although they are disposable you can reuse them several times before you need to
throw them away. 

I also constructed a simple extraction system, from a DIY bathroom fan and some
5 inch flexible hose. I can position one end of the hose (in a jig) to the bench
near where I am working and the other through a gap in the door. I doubt if this
is very effective if I am honest, but it must keep some vapour away from me :)

I hope you are finding the mailing list interesting. I have just sent off an
article to David Duffton to advertise it to the rest of the Europa Club. (Only
another 6 weeks to wait ! and they can read it. If only they all had e-mail <g>
). I hope they don't accuse me of trying to turn the club into a computer club

At the end of each month, I plan to split all the messages up into separate
categories. eg Introductions, Safety, Workshop, Engines ?  etc etc .You will
then be able to download the files from the archive at your leisure. Please send
me any contributions (Rowland, how about that great write up you did on the
Sywell Europa Weekend ?). BTW does everyone know how to use the archive ?

One more plea to everyone who has subscribed.......

Please introduce yourself, let us know how you are getting on, the ups and
downs. I am sure you all have ideas let alone many questions, so lets hear them.
At the moment only about a third of subscribers have said hello :-( 

Best Wishes


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