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US builders

Subject: US builders
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 21:35:51
I just signed on, and thanks again to the provider for this computer time
and space. Thanks Avnet

I'm helping, somewhat tangentially for now, a builder in the US for
the first Europa delivered through the Lakeland Florida office.  He
said that the SunNFun fly in had several perhaps 7 builders from
the US.  Since we can fly at night and even IFR with homebuilts, there
will need to be extra things done to these kits to provide electricity
to the wings rudder, etc.
Can anyone else think of differences that might need to be incorporated
into the US versions?  Have builders subscribing to this new service
had any comments to send, good bad or watch out for this?  

Since this just came on line, I assume there will be lots of traffic
and would be very appreciative of any comments to pass along to Don.

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