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Re: Europa-List: Experience with towing an Europa XS Trigear from NLG

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Experience with towing an Europa XS Trigear from NLG
From: Sven den Boer <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 21:10:46

Thx Rob,

But I only refer to parking, hangaring and trailering.

Sven den Boer
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob Housman" <>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Experience with towing an Europa XS Trigear from

> If you mean towing great distances on a public road with the aircraft's
> landing gear on the pavement, that is a really bad idea.  Aircraft tires
> not designed to tolerate the heat buildup that road vehicle tires tolerate
> so well, and about the only thing the two types of tires have in common is
> color and that they are both made of rubbery stuff (but not the same
> My primary flight instructor insisted that I keep my taxi speed at about
> pace of a fast walk because even the normal taxi distance from the ramp to
> the runway could tax the tires at any faster pace.
> Best regards,
> Rob Housman
> Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
> Airframe complete
> Irvine, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Sven den Boer
> To:
> Subject: Europa-List: Experience with towing an Europa XS Trigear from NLG
> Does anybody happen to have experience with towing an Europa from the Nose
> landing Gear.
> Is this allowed anyway?
> Cheers,
> Sven den Boer

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