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Subject: Europa-mudguard
From: Stanislav Švec <>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 20:03:33

I saw on Tony Krzyzewski`s builders log a mudguard above the Europa main
wheel. I mean it`s a good idea, I havn`t good feelling about the free
way from the wheel to all instalations going through the tunel.

1/ Could send me somebody some source, where to win this part and for
what price? It is sure possible to make it alone, but I prefer to buy
it, because the selfmaking costs again very much time and the biggest
problem, laminating form for this mudguard, must exist somewhere.

2/ Could send me somebody, who is already flying with this mudguard,
experiences with this part? Only positives or also some negatives?

For answers and help thanks in advance.


Stanislav, builder #438

Svec Stanislav
Mobil: +420-602-209112

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