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RE: tail spring

Subject: RE: tail spring
From: Emmet E. Welch <>
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 15:51:36

I had the same problem.  My mistake was the measurement for the center
of the tailwheel spring hole was taken from the INSIDE of the fuselage
rather than the OUTSIDE.  I ended up with about 9 pieces of ply.
Checked with Europa and no problems, as long as you get the elevation of
the end of the tail wheel spring right (maintaining the correct deck
angle).  You will need a longer bolt though.

One other hint - I used a long piece of threaded 1/8" rod that bolted
vertically into a small hole in lower skin just aft of the sternpost
face.  I used this as a marker to adjust the height of the tailwheel.
Just screw in (small nut on each side) until you have the correct
distance below the bottom fuselage, that you just have to us a spirit
level to make sure your spring is level with the rod!

Also, if you have a band saw (crucial I think), when making up the pad
for the spring, just worry about getting the width of the ply pieces to
match the fuse, then tape all together and just cut a pyramidal shape
fore/aft on the pad to bring it to the shape shown in the manual.  I
wasn't happy with my first pad, and when I made it over I used this
technique and it was a lot easier.

Emmet Welch
A141 Mono XS 

-----Original Message-----
Subject: tail spring

Started setting up the tail wheel spring this afternoon. Have drilled
stern post and set up the spring 235 mm below fuselage lower moulding as
described. When I measured the distance from the under side of the flat
the tail spring to fuselage moulding I get about 40 mm. This seems
rather a
large gap to be filled by 5 or even 6 layers of 3mm ply and bid as the
manual suggests. I think I can probably reduce the gap a bit by fiddling
can anyone out there remember what sort of a gap they had beneath the


Paul Stewart #432

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