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Re: Redux(Ardalite)

Subject: Re: Redux(Ardalite)
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 23:35:02
William McClellan wrote (in part):
> A suggestion:  Self taping screws work a whole lot better that rivets.

I would agree that screws are easier, except that
the 1/8" holes were already drilled.  This was
done to check the fit of the top using Clecos, and
so I could better level the tailplane in that
bonding step and install the wing locating pins
before glueing on the lid.  I have one of the
older Mk 1 fuse's, and the halves didn't fit too
well in places, and I was concerned thast screws
might not draw the seams tight enough before
stripping the fiberglass (those were the mandrels
I had to pop).  I'm just so risk averse in my old

Fred Fillinger, A063

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