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Re: Europa Radio Problem

Subject: Re: Europa Radio Problem
From: Derek Reed <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 17:48:18 wrote:

> In a message dated 16/09/97  11:08:36, you write:
> << It appears that the units were not designed to work with a speaker
> load
>  in the system >>
> Heh, perhaps that's why I have had some flights in which the 810 has
> transmitted "carrier only".  I may not have noticed if the speaker
> switch was
> down while using headphones.
> I wonder if we can find out from what serial number they have got into
> this
> state. Mine is about a year old.
> Graham C  G-EMIN

   Don't know if it helps but my first radio was No.55025 , 2nd
55030,3rd is in my plane [new out of the box last week],it brings up the
frequency and 'xmt' when mike keyed,also 'clicks', squelch overide does
nothing,otherwise it's dead. I do know the 810 is different from the 810
+ R,Narco sent me a loaner while they played with mine[S. No.55030],but
it didn't fit,the locator pin,antenna connector ,latching and PCB
connector at the rear of the unit are in different locations,so much for
the loaner! Narco have inffered that the problem is in my
installation[if this is so then why haven't  they sent my radio back in
4 days as promissed,now nearly 3 weeks,and why would the Narco dealer
here send all his stock back to the factory!].
Sorry guys,I know this is not a 'bitch' forum but it's nice to know
what's good and what isn't.


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