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Re: Decoding Mod Index

Subject: Re: Decoding Mod Index
From: Europa Aviation Ltd <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 13:35:32
>Just a quick question for those more intelligent than me. What does A/R in
>the applicability column mean for optional mods? Mod No. 18 (Pitot
>Positioning)  mentions Page 7-10 & ff Issue 3.What is ff,and where are the
>pages applicable, or have they been removed in my manual and replaced with
>the mod summary in the front? I drastically miss an index. Anybody else feel
>the same
> Any tips would help!
>Tony Renshaw 

A/R  means  As Required

N/A means Not Applicable

ff  means following pages

C/N means Construction Number

Page 7 - 10 & ff means Chapter 7 page 10 and  following pages.  This comes 
in the Wing Kit section of the manual .  Since your wing and fuselage kits 
were only dispatched from the factory  yesterday, you will not yet have that 
part of the Manual, so it is hardly surprising that you couldn't find the 
pages..  When you receive the Manual, you will find that it does have an 
index of chapters.

When we send out a modification, it usually applies to builders at various 
stages of construction and to completed aircraft.  Subsequently the 
substance of that modification gets included as part of the normal build 
process.  When it is part of the normal build process the modification is no 
longer applicable since it is an integral part of the build.  That is the 
point of the final column headed "Included in manual @". 

Therefore when you build your wings you will  have instructions for the 
position of the pitot included in the Manual (at pages 7-10 and following) 
which are the substance of Mod 18.  

Then when you come to do the final checks before flying you will know that 
the requirements of that Mod have been carried out.



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